Maria, a dream of.

The meaning of the whole world, Maria,
Can be summed up by your radiant eyes, or
By a single brushstroke of your smile. And that
Impression of your smile lighting up the dull earth
In all innocence and what’s virginal tells me
You must not be touched, must not be forced,

That, you yourself is purity and meaning
In a world otherwise lost to the dull and coarse.

Therefore, I am appalled by what I dreamed, Maria:
Of you meeting my eye with an earnest eye of desire;
Of my hands undoing the silks that cover you,
Groping inside with subtlety, feeling the tenderness
Blush and yield to fire. Maria,
I dreamed you throw back your head as I
Soft-nibbled the light brown flesh mounds
Of your Marylike nipples, slipping into feverish sounds.

I was disturbed how real it felt, though in dream,
As I traced down your fair, smooth body my fingers, tongue,
And how approving you were in your silent submission
Which only knew whispers, seconds of highs,
And sharp murmurs of awaking wanton,
As you let me move on, with your smothered, hushed cries.


Maria, while reading

Barefoot, cross-legged you read,
Concentrating on a hard-cover book.
Softened, intoxicated, bare-eyed, I watch,
Smooching you, soft-licking, with every look.

Your sweet face is a rose that blooms when you smile,
The pout of your mouth as you bend over the book
Makes my blood run hard, go torrent and I think
Of the thousand times in feverish dreams you I took

As your softest of murmurs intense, dissolved into the sky
As I pushed you hard, on my lap, your legs around me loose,
As you draw me to where you’re warm, feed me with your joy
But make sure the conquest happens in the speed that you choose.

Barefoot, cross-legged you read,
And to your divine being, with love, like god,
And as if to show it knows I watch, I yearn,
Your soft, small toe, for a moment, nod.
